How will NWRESD communicate about program stipends to me?
- Before work begins, participants will be asked to complete a stipend agreement form, which requires that they notify and document approval from their supervisor to participate in a stipend-eligible project. The form also clarifies how they may participate and remain eligible for a stipend per their district policies and collective bargaining agreement.
When we receive these back from participants, we will batch and send them to their respective district offices along with a list of participants. Supervisors who approved participation will be CCd on this email. Participants are not considered eligible for a stipend until this form is complete, and we ask them to take responsibility for ensuring their eligibility within your district policies and collective bargaining agreements.
- When funds are transferred to your school district, we will send you the back-up documentation for that round of stipends, including a list of names and the amounts they earned.
What do I need to do?
- Pay the gross stipend amount via payroll.
When should we pay this?
- We will let you know in our first communication. We will not send funds to your district until we have ensured the recipients are eligible per any minimum attendance requirements. Generally, we will ask that stipends be paid within two pay periods after we send funds.
Do I need to send you an invoice?
- No, we will generate a stipend award letter to use as an invoice. However, if it simplifies your accounting to generate an invoice for us to pay, please reach out.
Are payroll costs included?
- Every transfer of funds for stipends will include an extra 35% of the gross total to help defray employer-paid payroll costs. The number we give you for a stipend amount is the intended gross payment to the participant.
Do I need to return the excess?
- No, but if it simplifies your accounting, you may. If you would like to return excess funds, please reach out and let us know.
What if my payroll costs are higher than 35%?
- NWRESD appends 35% to the stipend as a rule, but if your payroll costs are higher than that, you may reduce the gross amount of the stipend accordingly. Our goal is for school districts to not accept a financial burden as a consequence of participating in our programming.
What if a participant is not eligible to receive a stipend?
We will make every effort to confirm that participants are eligible to receive a stipend before transferring funds. However, if a participant on our list is not eligible to receive a stipend, please reach out to us. We will ask that you return the funds we sent for their stipend, including the extra 35% for their payroll costs.
Who do I contact for more information?
- For any questions regarding the substance or content of programs, please contact the program lead listed on that programs page of our website.
- Send all invoices to and cc Anderson Kishlock.
- For general questions about events and eligibility as well as NREN projects, contact Anderson Kishlock.
- For projects related to the following programs, contact Melissa Hampton:
- 9th Grade Success Network
- Career and College Readiness
- Instructional Coaching
- Regional Mentoring
- STEM Hub
- For projects related to the following programs, contact Matthew Kishlock:
- Attendance Services
- Early Literacy
- MtSS Coaching
- Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention
- School Safety and Prevention
- Behavior, Attendance, & Social Emotional Systems
- For projects related to the following programs, contact Lacey Brown:
- English Language Learner Title III
- Migrant Education Title IC