Northwest Regional Education Service District
Home MenuEBBB - Injury/Illness Reports
Code: EBBB
Adopted: 1/15/14
Revised/Readopted: 4/18/17
Orig. Code(s): EBBB
All injuries/illnesses sustained by the employee while in the actual performance of the duty of the employee’s position, which occur on Northwest Regional Education Service District (NWRESD) premises, in NWRESD vehicles, at an NWRESD-sponsored activity, or involving staff members who may be elsewhere on NWRESD business will be reported immediately to a supervisor. An incident report will be completed by the employee using the NWRESD online report system within 24 hours of the incident. The employee will also complete an Form 801 for workers compensation, if medical attention is needed. All reports must be submitted within 24 hours. Reports will cover property damage as well as personal injury.
All injuries/illnesses sustained by the employee while in the actual performance of the duty of the employee’s position will be promptly investigated. As a result of the investigation any corrective measures needed will be acted upon and reported to Human Resources (HR).
In the event of a work-related1 illness or injury to an employee resulting in overnight hospitalization for medical treatment2 other than first aid, the safety officer shall inform the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (OR-OSHA). A report will be made within 24 hours after notification to the NWRESD of an illness or injury. Fatalities or catastrophies3 shall be reported immediately.
Monthly records will be maintained and reviewed by the NWRESD Safety Committee. An analysis of the data and trends will be made at least annually.
The Board will receive reports on serious injuries/illnesses and periodic statistical reports on the number and types of injuries/illnesses occurring in the NWRESD, as well as measures being taken to prevent such injuries/illnesses in the future.
1An injury or illness is work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment caused or contributed to the condition or significantly aggravated a pre existing condition.
2Medical treatment includes managing or caring for a patient for the purpose of combating disease or disorder. The following are not considered medical treatment: visits to a doctor or health-care professional solely for observation or counseling; diagnostic procedures including administering prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes; and any procedure that can be labeled first aid.
3A catastrophe is an accident in which two or more employees are fatally injured, or three or more employees are admitted to a hospital or an equivalent medical facility.
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