This 2-day in-person ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop is offered to our region through School Safety and Prevention at Northwest Regional Education Service District in partnership with Sherwood School District. Attending both days consecutively in person is required in order to complete this training.
ASIST is an in-depth workshop that prepares individuals to provide suicide first aid intervention using LivingWorks’ evidence-based Pathway for Assisting Life (PAL) model. It teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. It is recommended that each school building have at least two people that are ASIST trained (larger buildings would benefit from having more people trained).
Recommended school participants include school administrators, counselors, social workers, deans of students, mental health specialists, behavior specialists, special education educators, wellness room support staff, and others in student support roles. Recommended community participants include mental health professionals, social services staff, skills trainers, law enforcement, juvenile justice, and others who may be supporting those in crisis.
Due to strict capacity limits set by LivingWorks, priority will be given to registrants who have not completed this training in the last 2 years.
Learn more and register.