Event Description: Children and families have so much to gain when our programs are high-quality, but what components does a program of this stature utilize and how do we evaluate and recalibrate when needed? In this class participants will appraise their program and exercise tools to keep giving young children all they need and deserve.
Set 2 Pending
Core knowledge category (Hours): PM
Age group: No Age-Related Content
Trainer: Kelley Lawson
PDUs: 3
Location: Virtual
URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yuovy-PvToe90gDQgoQZZg
Cost: Free
Contact Information: Raul Camacho (nwregionalccrr@nwresd.k12.or.us)
Register for Simply The Best! Utilizing Tools and Techniques to Maintaining High-Quality in your Early Childhood Program.
Note: The link above will take you to an event platform called PDNetworks. You will need to create an account before you can register.