Total Lesson Time: 50 -95 min (50 min - 1 hour, 35 min)
Salmon have been a huge life force in the Pacific Northwest and in Oregon for many generations. From the Native Tribes, to our modern day anglers, and for the health of many streams and rivers in our state. Let’s take a look at some salmon and learn about their lives, and some of their uses!
Anadromous Fish Video
Salmon Life Cycles
Game time!
Ready to test your skills as a salmon? I hope you brought your anadromous fish slime and your nature journal, because this game will show you just how hard these fish have it! Play the Salmon Challenges: The Return Upstream game.
Healthy salmon go with the flow
Watch this video from WWF Canada to learn how salmon follow their journey from rivers and streams to the ocean and back again. Be thinking, what can salmon health and populations tell us about river health?
The Importance of Salmon
Why are salmon important?
You may be asking yourself, why should I care about salmon? They might be yummy to eat, but why does that mean I need to know about their lifecycle or that they live in salt and freshwater? Read about how salmon are used in the culture of the tribes whose homelands you live on here. Then in your field journal, answer the question: Why are salmon important?
Other Activities and Resources
Wrapping Up
Now that you’re a salmon expert, do your best to match these salmon vocabulary words to their definitions! Print out this salmon vocab activity or write the words and definitions in your field journal.